About Blog

My name is Velian, and I am Bulgarian. “Velian the Bulgarian” has a nice ring to it, I think. As of today I’ve spent almost exactly half my life (the first half) in Bulgaria, and the other half in Canada. It’s in the second half that I’ve truly been able to appreciate the beauty and enigmatic charm of my homeland.

In the summer of 2008 I found myself working in a boring office with high-speed Internet access. There I cultivated a side project: a monthly newsletter aimed at expat Bulgarians in Ottawa known as “Plamuk” (meaning “flame” in Bulgarian). It was borne as much out of patriotism and the desire to share some of my country’s stories as it was out of idleness and inactivity. Then I realized that most of what I had to say my fellow Bulgarians already knew, and that an English-speaking audience would be far better served by my writing.

I’ve named this blog “Blazing Bulgaria”,  a title than in my mind encompasses two things: my country’s luminous nature, which I hope to acquaint you all with, and in turn my responsibility as a patriotic Bulgarian to show off my homeland and to attract, invite and facilitate new visits and new friendships. In a couple of months, I will be writing about Bulgaria first-hand as I will be there from mid-July to mid-August, compiling city-specific travel guides for Sofia, Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo, as well as some still-unknown mountain destination.

Feel free to write me at vpandeliev [at] gmail [dot] com with questions or suggestions for articles, or even corrections and criticisms. This blog is for you all.

§ 10 Responses to About Blog

  • How lucky I feel to have stumbled upon your blog 🙂 I spent a few days in Bulgaria last December and loved it a lot. Why shouldn’t you show off… What a lovely place ❤

  • linagrueva says:

    Best blog about Bulgaria! Bravo! :)))

  • Denise Frost says:

    I am an American musician from Utah, studying Bartok and looking for connections–not in just the rhythms, but in the harmonies, to Bulgarian music. I find similar harmonies in the recordings I hear of “Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares.”
    I found your blog fascinating and SO well-done. I loved the clip of your performing group, and the lyrics to the Thank You letter from Son to Mother. Thank you for your passion and your diligence. May I ask if you know whether Bartok actually visited Bulgaria in his music research trips?
    Thank you,
    Denise Frost

  • Anonymous says:

    интересен блог си направил за България, поздравления!
    Ако ми позволиш единствено да те посъветвам да ревизираш частта с историята за България и българите, не е съвсем точна, а и има още какво да се каже. Попаднах и на една интересна група във фейсбук заповядай ако решиш: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Bulgars/

  • Angel Angelov says:

    Hello Velian,
    My name is Angel Angelov. I am Bulgarian, and have been living in South Africa for over 20 years. I was born in Plovdiv, but lived with my grandparents in selo Vasil Levski. I have been back to BG twice since immigrating to South Africa in 1992. I am a keen mountain-biker and plan to cycle up to v.Botev from Kalofer. I will try to document as much of the ride up as I can. Will send you pictures.

  • bernardoshea says:

    Hi, I think Velian the Bulgarian is a great name, I think you should write a novel about him. I found your blog via a language blog and since I am hoping to visit Eastern Europe in the not too distant future I shall read it with interest, thanks and all the best

  • sozofia says:

    Velian, where have you gone? I miss your updates!

  • A really great, interesting and fun blog!
    And…you have just been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! 🙂

  • MGP says:

    Zdrasti! the comment above was from me!! forgot to let you know that! 🙂 looking forward to more installments! its both interesting and nostalgic from my perspective! 🙂 Marta

  • Anonymous says:

    looking forward to this!! 🙂 it sounds like a great idea…!

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